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The Executive Branch
The Executive Branch is comprised of the Executive Board and staff, policy directors, and agencies. Together, this branch works together to carry out the Executive Alliance platform and execute programming related to their advocacy areas of interest to serve the student body.
The Executive Alliance
What is the Executive Alliance?
The Executive Alliance, also referred to as the UT Student Body President and Vice President, are the elected heads of the executive branch. They steer all advocacy on behalf of the student body while promoting issues outlined in their campaign platform. They also act as primary liaisons to higher administration to ensure student needs are prioritized and valued.

President: Grace Kelly
- The president shall serve as the chief executive and shall represent Student Government and the student body. The President can enact resolutions and bills passed by the Assembly by signing them, or refer resolutions and bills back to the Assembly for reconsideration by vetoing them.
- The President executes and works to advocate for implementation of all enacted legislation.
- The President represent the student body and Student Government before external entities, including but not limited to, the administration of The University of Texas at Austin, the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System, the City of Austin, and the Texas Legislature in a manner consistent with the enacted policies, positions, and stances of Student Government.
- Serve on, or send a representative to, the committees, boards, and legislative bodies of which the president is a regular standing member.
- Appoint, with the approval of the Assembly, students to serve on external campus committees and boards that require or request Student Government representation.
- Form temporary presidential ad-hoc advisory committees and task-forces to assist the president during their administration to conduct the business of Student Government when deemed necessary and proper and shall assign the members of such committees.
- On extraordinary occasions, convene the Assembly in emergency session, giving public notice at least 72 hours prior to the convening of the emergency session.
- Associate Director to the President: Satish Banjara
- Associate Director to the President and Vice President: Nikolas Parker

Vice President: Elle Grinnell
- The Vice President serves on the committees, boards, and legislative bodies of which the vice president is a regular standing member.
- The Vice President works along with the President on all assigned responsibilities.
- The Vice President assumes the presidency in the event that the president is unavailable to fulfill the duties of the office.
- The Vice-President chairs the Student Services Budget Committee which is responsible for allocating over $40 million to support student life and innovation. As the chair, the Vice President ensures student input is prioritized and valued in the allocation process.
- Associate Director to the Vice President: Stefano Manuel Chaves
- Associate Director to the President and Vice President: Nikolas Parker
The Executive Board
What is the Executive Board?
The Executive Board collectively works to implement the platform points of the Executive Alliance. Each board member oversees a staff that supports them in carrying out duties that improve the overall function and impact of the executive branch.

Chief of Staff: Isaiah David Rodriguez
The Chief of Staff is responsible for overseeing the work, functions and progress of the UT Student Government Executive Branch. This includes providing necessary input as the chief advisor to the Student Body President and Vice President, allocating resources to agency co-directors so that they may host events and initiatives and ensuring the Student Government Executive Board is held to a higher standard as they complete work that will directly influence the broader student body on campus.
Chief of Staff Team
- Associate Directors to the Chief of Staff: Pedro Colucci Kfuri, Ben Aguillon
- Associate Director of Internal Events and Engagement: Sydney Lewis

Financial Director: Shivani Sijith
The Financial Director is responsible for the management of finances for Student Government under the university’s rules and regulations. This includes managing all sources of funding including events, endowments, and initiatives. They also oversee the budget creation, appropriations process, and all financial accounts. The Financial Director also serves as the chair of the Endowment Governing Board which supervises all endowments.
Financial Team
- Associate Director to the Financial Director: Carolina Cordova
- Associate Directors of Financial Development: Jasmine Benau, Daniel Ha
- Associate Director of Scholarship: Catherine Layne

Administrative Director: Resul Ovezov
Serving as the prime liaison between the Executive Branch and the Assembly, the Administrative Director is responsible for increasing connectedness and ensuring accessibility within Student Government. The Administrative Department’s primary responsibilities include:
- Overseeing and planning SG-Wide programming;
- Promoting a healthy culture within SG;
- Ensuring that all SG External Appointments are fulfilling their duties and facilitating collaboration between them and the Legislative Branch;
- Maintaining a record of initiatives pursued by the current administration; and
- Promoting transparency, accessibility, and accountability at at levels
Administrative Team
- Associate Director to the Administrative Director: Ethan Thompson
- Associate Director of Social Activity: Jennifer Barbosa-Sanchez
- Associate Director of Rules and History: Nicole Pabon Pabon
- Associate Director of Outreach: Sienna Rossmiller

Communications Director: Sarah Dewees
The Communications Director is responsible for overseeing all communications produced by UT Student Government. This includes managing social media accounts and the SG website, overseeing all media relations, and collaborating with internal and external stakeholders to promote campus events, initiatives, and resources among many other duties. This position is responsible for increasing the accessibility, transparency, relevance, and presence of UT Student Government to the greater student body.
Communications Team
- Associate Director to the Communications Director: Michelle Oh
- Associate Director of Content Management: Tristen Shewmake
- Associate Director of Outreach and Media Relations: Kaitlyn Koba
- Associate Director of Cinematography: Arantxa Espinosa Rivera
- Associate Director of Web Development:

Advocacy Director: Jonathan Wilson
The Advocacy Director is responsible for facilitating advocacy efforts on behalf of the UT Student Government both on and off campus. The Advocacy Director leads a team of Policy Directors who pursue initiatives related to their area of specialty. Initiatives are determined by the executive alliance platform and team priorities. The Advocacy Director works closely with agencies, external appointments, student advocacy groups, and University administration in order to create more accessible and effective University services and policy on and off campus. This position is focused on centering and uplifting the needs of all student communities on campus including but not limited to international students, first-generation students, veteran students, student parents, and transfer students. Additional duties include leading relevant ad-hoc committees, gathering student input, and acting as a liaison between assembly and the Executive Board.
Advocacy Team
- Associate Director of Internal Processes: Rita Jurado
- Associate Directors of External Affairs: Kritika Ramesh, Kyle Kamanu
Student Government Agencies
What is an Agency?
Agencies support advocacy work in a variety of interest areas that affect the lives of students outside the classroom. They organize events, collaborations with internal and external organizations, and campaigns that promote progress and support student needs.

Disabilities Inclusion Agency (DIA)
The Disabilities Inclusion Agency (DIA) strives to make the University of Texas social community, physical university spaces, and institutional rules regarding academic and medical accommodations accessible to all disabled students. By holding the voices of disabled students at the forefront of every event and initiative we spearhead, we aim to establish a vocal community of students with disabilities, a culture of celebration surrounding a spectrum of ability and neurodiversity, and a new standard of inclusion at the University of Texas.
Co-directors: Ashley Goforth & Hrishika Marakani
Community Engagement and Advocacy Agency (CEA)
The Community Engagement and Advocacy Agency (CEA) is committed to creating an environment of belonging at UT Austin. CEAA focuses on representing and learning about all UT student communities on campus including but not limited to international students, first-generation students, veteran students, student parents, and transfer students. This agency’s responsibility is to start dialogues between all of our student body communities in an integrated way that provides a platform for every Longhorn.
Co-directors: Tabitha Verdugo & Ezinne Osemene

First Year Leadership Organization (FLO)
The First Year Leadership Organization (FLO) is an agency focused on building community and instilling valuable leadership and advocacy skills amongst freshmen. Members partake in semester-long service projects (also known as FLOjects), receive valuable mentorship, attend social events, and go to weekly professional development workshops.
Co-directors: Hibbah Amin & Kiera Dixon
Food Security Agency (FSA)
Dat Duong & Sweccha Guntamukkala

Governmental Relations Agency (GRA)
The Governmental Relations Agency (GRA) aims to keep UT students informed and engaged with politics at the local, state, and federal level. We provide ways in which students are able to engage with elected officials and voice unique perspectives and ideas that are applicable to the student body.
Co-directors: Leah Tharakan & Sara Allen

Hook The Vote (HTV)
Hook The Vote (HTV) is a nonpartisan civic engagement agency that strives to increase civic participation among UT students through voter registration efforts and improving accessibility of voter education materials. HTV seeks to create strong coalitions on campus that empower Longhorns to cast their vote in campus-wide, local, state, and federal elections.
Co-directors: Kayla Manteca & Elise De La Fuente

International, Out of State, Transfer Student Agency (IOTSA)
The International Students Agency (ISA) exists to promote the general welfare of international students at UT and serve as a liaison between international students and the many resources available on campus. ISA works to provide opportunities that are fun, celebratory, and informative that encourage networking and friendship building during international students’ time on the 40 Acres.
Co-directors: Arantxa Espinosa Rivera & Sreeja Arora

Longhorn EMS (LEMS)
Longhorn EMS (LEMS) is an agency of Student Government composed of certified EMTs and public health advocates who are interested in serving the community. Our past activities have included serving as medical standby at ACL, Formula 1, the Austin Marathon, UT Longhorn Run, and many more special events. We have several ongoing public health initiatives such as Stop the Bleed with Dell Medical School, Take 10 CPR, Sobering Center, and more. Longhorn EMS is always looking for new members who have a passion for volunteering and educating the community, so join even if you’re not EMT certified!
Co-directors: Annette Velasco & Arti Madan

Longhorn Legislative Aides (LLA)
The Longhorn Legislative Aides (LLA) agency strives to integrate first-year students into UT by building a tight-knit community and developing leaders within Student Government. The ultimate goal of LLA is to create a family that allows our members to engage in meaningful service projects, mentorship, and develop professional skills that prepare them for the rest of their undergraduate career. LLAs will also work under members of the Student Government Executive Board and Legislative Assembly on various initiatives in an effort to bring about a positive change to the 40 Acres.
Co-directors: Jet Tran & Kayla Pearl

Mental Health Agency (MHA)
The Mental Health Agency (MHA) exists to improve the psychological, emotional, and overall wellness of all students at the University of Texas at Austin. Through student-led initiatives, events, and legislation aimed at promoting mental health advocacy, MHA ensures that each and every person in the UT Austin community has the necessary understanding and access to the appropriate resources for individualized mental health needs.
Co-directors: Krystal Zhong & Vipin Eapen

Women’s Resource Agency (WRA)
The Women’s Resource Agency aims to promote belonging, intersectionality, and feminism through advocacy, discussion, and fundraising. WRA works to connect women and students of all genders with campus resources while providing them opportunities to improve their experience at The University of Texas at Austin.
Co-directors: Sara Beasley & Saylor Benetti