What We Do

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What Does UT Student Government Do?

Student Government (also referred to as SG or UTSG) is YOUR voice at UT Austin. We work to improve campus life, advocate for student interests to high level administration, and create positive change through initiatives, events, and policy advocacy.

Creating Change Together

The University of Texas at Austin Student Government is a representative body of students led by an elected executive alliance and Assembly representatives whose primary purpose is advocating for and representing the interests of the student body to university administration, faculty, and other organizations. As a Student Governance Organization (SGO), Student Government has the power to pass legislation, propose constitutional amendments, and allocate funding for student organizations and events.

UT Student Government is dedicated to being your voice at UT Austin, working to improve campus life, represent student interests, and create a positive impact through various initiatives, events, and policy advocacy. Some examples of our efforts include advocating for mental health resources on campus, promoting safety with initiatives like Sure Walk, and supporting sustainable practices. We also collaborate with other organizations and UT administration on projects, such as the Lyft Night Rides program, to enhance student well-being, and the UT Outpost, to address food insecurity. Discover our mission, structure, and ways you can be part of shaping the student experience at UT Austin!

The Limits of UT Student Government

Student Government at UT Austin is dedicated to advocating for student interests, but it's important to be aware of our authority's scope and jurisdiction. Our focus is on campus life, so we primarily pass legislation and pursue initiatives related to student affairs. Although we cannot directly intervene in academic, administrative, or financial matters of the university, we can still advocate for change and work collaboratively with other university stakeholders.

Our jurisdiction is primarily within the university's physical boundaries, but we strive to address off-campus issues that directly impact our students. By understanding and respecting these boundaries, we can effectively collaborate and contribute to a positive and thriving UT Austin community.

How does Student Government differ from other Student Governance Organizations?

The UT Austin Student Government and the Senate of College Councils are both organizations that represent the interests and concerns of students at the University of Texas at Austin, but they have different structures and focus on different areas.

The UT Austin Student Government represents the entire student body and has a broader scope, focusing on issues that affect students across all colleges and schools at UT Austin, with an emphasis on student life and experience. It is made up of an executive branch, a legislative branch (the Assembly), and a judicial branch (the Supreme Court).

The Senate of College Councils is an organization made up of representatives from each of the university's colleges and schools. It focuses on issues specific to each college and school, such as curriculum changes or academic policies. The Senate of College Councils is the coordinating body that brings together the 22 College Councils to represent UT students in academic affairs and provide student opinion on academic issues to the University's administration.

The councils within the Senate of College Councils each focus on specific issues relevant to their respective colleges, such as academic advising, student organizations, and community and belonging. They also serve as a resource for students within their respective colleges, providing programming and events that are tailored to their specific needs and interests. Overall, the councils in the Senate of College Councils work together to ensure that the voices and concerns of all students at UT Austin are heard and represented. A few councils are Liberal Arts CouncilNatural Sciences CouncilCommunications CouncilFine Arts CouncilEducation CouncilUndergraduate Business Council, and many more.

While both organizations work to improve the student experience at UT Austin, they have different structures, functions, and areas of focus.

Learn more about the Senate of College Councils here.

The UT Graduate Student Assembly (GSA) is a representative body for graduate and professional students at the University of Texas at Austin. It is composed of representatives from each graduate program, who are elected by their peers, and executive officers who are elected by the Assembly. GSA's mission is to advocate for and address the needs and concerns of graduate students on campus and work towards improving their academic and non-academic experiences. The Assembly works closely with the university administration, including the Graduate School, to promote and implement policies and programs that benefit graduate students. GSA also organizes a variety of social and professional events throughout the year, including networking opportunities, workshops, and cultural events.