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The Legislative Branch
The Legislative Branch consists of a legislative body known as the Assembly. The Assembly is made up of elected student representatives from each college within the university that pass legislation to represent the official voice of the student body and define official Student Government policies, positions, and stances in matters directly affecting students per the UTSG Constitution and governing documents.
The Assembly Board
What is the Assembly Board?
The Assembly Board is the governing body of the Student Government Assembly at the University of Texas at Austin. Its purpose is to oversee the legislative functions of the Student Government and ensure that the Assembly operates efficiently and effectively. The Board is responsible for setting the agenda for Assembly meetings, conducting meetings in accordance with parliamentary procedure, and ensuring that all Assembly actions are in compliance with the Student Government Constitution and Code of Rules and Procedures. The Board work to provide leadership and guidance to the members of the Assembly and ensure that the legislative branch of the Student Government is functioning properly.
Speaker of Assembly: Nidhi Chanchlani
Legislative Staff: Kendyl Nordenstrom, Daniel Ha, Leander D’Costa, Diego Gutierrez & Derek Reid
Shall preside over all meetings of the Assembly and the Executive Board, unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or bylaws; Appoint and remove all chairs of Assembly and Executive Board committees with the advice and consent of the Assembly; Supervise the legislative and administrative work of the Assembly; Act as a liaison between the Assembly and the other branches of Student Government; Represent the Assembly in all intercollegiate and intergovernmental activities as directed by the Assembly; Ensure the proper preservation of all Assembly and Executive Board records and ensure they are available for inspection upon request; Develop and maintain an effective communication program to ensure that the student body is kept informed of the actions and activities of the Assembly; and, Fulfill any other duties assigned by the Constitution, Assembly, or the Executive Board.
Ethics and Oversight Committee
Committee Chair: Juan David Romero
Committee Members: Abbey Lantis, Akshathh Mukkera, Clayton Coffee, Ximena De Leon & Kieran Givens
Shall monitor weekly attendance of representatives; shall enforce the Assembly’s absence policy and address excessive absences by representatives; shall investigate conduct of members of Student Government accused of a material violation of the Student Government Constitution and Code of Rules and Procedures to ensure proper practices; shall keep a record of investigations and interviews conducted by this committee; and shall review and revise resolutions calling for the impeachment of officers of Student Government for material failure of the position duties as listed in the Student Government Constitution. Other than cases where there is good cause to believe there has been a material failure to fulfill the duties and responsibilities mandated in the Student Government Constitution, the Assembly has no authority to investigate or take any form of action against a student accused of any violation of any rule or regulation of The University of Texas at Austin or The University of Texas System.
Rules and Procedures Committee
Committee Chair: Haeeda Mubashar
Committee Members: Matthew Gomez, Carla Lujan, Michael Alada & Presley McGurl
Shall review and propose revisions to the Code of Rules and Procedures each year, and the Constitution if necessary; shall review and revise bills pertaining to the UTSG Election Regulations; shall review and revise legislation pertaining to the UTSG governing documents. The Rules and Procedures Committee chair shall consult regularly with the legislative student organization advisor on all proposed and pending legislation to assure compliance with the rules and regulations of The University of Texas at Austin and The University of Texas System.
Financial Affairs Committee
Committee Chair: Luke Ruiz
Committee Members: Beomjun Kim, Ila Ali, Henry Rivers Hamilton & Marco Nevarez
Shall review and revise legislation concerning the operating budgets, and expenses from student fee accounts; and shall assist fundraising efforts. The Financial Affairs Committee shall author, in conjunction with the financial director legislation introducing the operating budget on the floor of the Assembly for approval.
Academic Affairs Committee
Committee Chair: Vivamaria Hanna
Committee Members: Mahdi Alrawi, Sarah Sheriff & Sophia Snapp
Shall review and revise legislation concerning academic issues that would be handled by The University of Texas at Austin or University of Texas System.
Governmental Affairs Committee
Committee Chair: Sara Adio-Oduola
Committee Members: Christina Jones, Daisy Flores, Emma Daniell, Kevin K Nguyen & William Eagle
Shall review and revise legislation concerning any student or academic issue that would not be handled by The University of Texas at Austin or University of Texas System.
Student Affairs Committee
Committee Chair: Anthony Khiem Nguyen
Committee Members: Matheo Joseph Hayek, Anish Rudra, Anna Victoria Lavelle, Evan O’Suilleabhain, Sophie Witherspoon & Sreya Das
Shall review and revise legislation concerning student life issues that would be handled by The University of Texas at Austin or University of Texas System.
The Assembly
What is the Assembly?
The Assembly is the legislative branch of the UT Student Government and is responsible for passing resolutions, bills, and amendments to the SG Constitution. The Assembly consists of representatives from the various colleges and schools at UT Austin, as well as university-wide representatives who are elected by the student body. The Assembly meets regularly during the academic year and is chaired by the Speaker of the Assembly, who is elected by the members of the Assembly. The Assembly also has various committees that focus on specific areas of student life and interests, such as academic affairs, governmental affairs, financial affairs, and student affairs. These committees research and develop policy recommendations that are then considered by the full Assembly.
Assembly Representatives
Adriel Bustillos
Business Representative
Elise De La Fuente
University-Wide Representative
Anna Victoria Lavelle
Engineering Representative
Jazmin Soto
Liberal Arts Representative
Jonathan Wilson
Vice Chair of Governmental Affairs
Business Representative
Caeleb Bridgins
Communications Representative
Amy DonJuan
University-Wide Representative
Indigo Raetz
Transfer Representative
Daniel Colson
Vice Chair of Financial Affairs
Natural Sciences Representative
Esmeralda Aguilar
University-Wide Representative
Jack Greenberg
Natural Sciences Representative
Diego Hernandez
Engineering Representative
Kennedy Bailey
Speaker of the Assembly
University-Wide Representative
Jaxon Jedele
Fine Arts Representative
Danilo Castillo-Hernandez
Communication Representative
William Eagle
Geosciences Representative
Connie Lerma Cervantes
Pharmacy Representative
Pablo Gutierrez
Vice Chair of Academic Affairs
University-Wide Representative
Carla Lujan
University-Wide Representative
Cosmo Miyahara
Natural Sciences Representative
Tianyi Xu
International Representative
Aditi Kumar
Vice Chair of Academic Affairs
University-Wide Representative
Cristobal Alcantara
Architecture Representative
Joshua Gilbert
University-Wide Representative
Grant Robinson
Natural Sciences Representative
Mathew Abraham
Vice Chair of Student Affairs
University-Wide Representative
Goodness Agabi
Nursing Representative
Nidhi Chanchlani
Chair of Student Affairs
Liberal Arts Representative
Isabella Feistauer
Chair of Governmental Affairs
Liberal Arts Representative
Ryan Huynh
Speaker Pro-Tempore/Chair of Rules and Procedures
Natural Sciences Representative
Haeeda Mubashar
Chair of Academic Affairs
Liberal Arts Representative
Kevin Nguyen
Vice Chair of Rules and Procedures
Engineering Representative
Resul Ovezov
Chair of Ethics and Oversight
Engineering Representative
Melinda Wang
Chair of Financial Affairs
Liberal Arts Representative